Reading Notes: The Indian Story Book: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu pt. i

 - more emphasis on family and human than of the gods 

- Pandu is the father of the 5 Pandavas

- Pandu dies and then Dhritarashtra ( the man of 100 sons and a daughter) 

- Karna rivals Arjuna in talents but is mocked and made fun of because he is not royalty

- so basically the 5 Pandavas are bullies

- Their cousin Duryodhana tries to burn them all and their mother in a house fire

- Draupadi crowns Arjuna the winner of the arrow and bow contest after she rejects Karna becasue of his low status

- She become Yudhisthira's wife which is different because before she was everyone's wife

- Yudhisthira becomes king and then has a wonderful feats

- He loses everything in a gambling match because ~cheaters~ and is forced into exile with his family

- They leave for the forest for 12 years and their 13th year in exile

- Their disguised year was in the court of King Virata 

- Uttara is the son of King Vitara and is sent along with Arjuna to rescue the King's cattle

- Here Uttara learns the truth about the Pandavas

Title: The Indian Story Book: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu

Author: Richard Wilson


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