Reading Part A: The Ramayana

 - vicious animals ran and howled around Dashagriva's birth with blood rain

- boon= godly power or help of some sorts

- shiva took in Ravana and gave him the Moon sword

`- Ravana wanted to marry Shiva's wife so she had Brahma turn a frog into her 

- they have a child, Meghanada ( Cloud- Roar) 

- he was told by Brahma to Indra then he'll get a boon 

- Meghanada wanted to be immortal, but Brahma could not do that so he asked for invincible weapons

- why would he swallow a man! and why would she blame Ravana, when she was the one order him be swallowed ?

- Vaishravana, son of Vishrava ( also Ravana's father) he wanted to be guardian of the world

- he became Kubera protector of wealth 

-  Lanka was taken back from Kubera by Ravana

Statue of Ravana from the 18th century CE (Wikipedia)


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