Technology Thoughts

Coming into this class I was already familiar with many of the browser tune up aspects of the class technology and already had spellcheck and a word counter installed on my computer. The biggest thing I found helpful was having my calendar and Canvas linked. There are many assignments and different extra credit options having it on my phone was very helpful for a quick glance at my week. Another page that I found to be very useful was the progress page. I never was scared that I was falling behind in progress points for an A, but I would refer to it often just to see where I stood and if I had a busy week it helped me see if I would need to really do extra credit to keep up or if it was something I could do if I had time. Technologically there were still lots of things that I learned throughout the semester and I am glad that I now understand them and have them in my tool belt of skills if I need them outside of this class. 

Several people using computers (UnSplash)


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